Try These 6 Water Sports to Enjoy The Real Soul of Lake Como!

Image via Funsurf Center (Dervio)

Image via Funsurf Center (Dervio)

Some clients arrive to Lake Como and all they want is a beach where relaxing in the sun; others, the most sporty ones, have just one question in mind: what kind of water sports can I practice here?

Yeah, on a way it’s understandable: sometimes the blue of our lake is so striking and the combination of winds so perfect that it’s quite impossible not to feel like kite surfing or other similar thrilling sports!

But let’s have a look at all the possible water sports you can do at Lake Como.


Rowing on Lake Como has always been considered more than a sport, rather a noble and antique art; the "art of the oar", precisely.

Its origins date back to the early '900. The Rowing Team of Moltrasio, for example, won more than 30 awards as Champion of Italy. The society is one of the oldest: it was founded in 1902! 

If you want to learn or practice this sport, between June and July, jump into this society, based in Como, organizes several courses.

The youth hostel in Menaggio provides both courses which are open to everyone, and also a canoe rental service. Write here to to ask for more information.


Image by Sergio Souta

Image by Sergio Souta

Kayaks are ideal to explore the best and often hidden corners of Lake Como coast! Sometimes some lakeside villages appear different if you look at them directly from the water.

Among all the water sports you can practice on Lake Como, Kayak does not require any specific expertise or athletic preparation.

You can rent a kayak or a canoe in many sport centers. In Bellagio (precisely in the little fishermen hamlet of Pescallo) there’s a Kayak Club at Bellagio Water Sports Group, which often organizes group excursions (the five routes they offer are around Bellagio, Pescallo, Varenna, Balbianello and all the most popular historical villas). In general all trips start in the morning, to enjoy the best sunlight, but there are also very romantic trips organized at the sunset. You can ask more info at Whatsapp (+39 340 3949375, + 39 340 3949375, or +39 334 1929303).

In Menaggio you can rent boats at AC Boats: their seat is along the amazing lakeside promenade of the village. 

Water skiing and wakeboarding 

wakeboard lake como

Water skiing and wakeboard are just emotional: they’re a fight against the water. They combine surfing and skiing, so that you can experience the thrill of skiing on the lake while being towed by a speed boat. 

The best months to practice this sport are from March to October.

You can begin your experience from the sport association docks along the coast of Lake Como, like in Paré, near Lecco, Blevio, or in North Lake Como.

Remember to always pay attention to the weather: the wind is not a friend to this specific sport, because the bumps of water can ruin your experience.

In Faggeto Lario, where the water conditions are generally very flat, you can find the Water Experience Center, where you can book a motorboat service for waterskiing and wakeboard (available 7 days a week from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m; booking is required!). 


Image by Beppe Galbiati

Image by Beppe Galbiati

Knots, how to steer and recognize the direction of the wind, turning maneuvers in the bow and stern, how to stop the boat at a precise point… there’s so much to learn about sailing on a lake! No panic, there’s plenty of schools at Lake Como where you can start approaching the charming art of dancing on the lake with a sail. As a starting point, look at the courses of Orza Minore School in Dervio.

In the Alto Lario there’s plenty of prestigious sailing clubs: consider that pretty much all the villages have a sailing base that provides courses for beginners and non-beginners, generally from April to October. 

The ideal starting points for sailing are the touristic harbors of Domaso, Gravedona, Mandello, Lecco and Como.

Be cradled by the winds and hear the story of legends about their names!

Windsurfing and kitesurfing 

kyte windsurf lake como

The upper part of Lake Como (like Gera, Colico, Domaso and especially Dervio), but also Mandello del Lario, near Lecco, offer ideal wind conditions for windsurfing (that enjoys the wind from the north) and kitesurfing (ideal to be practiced with the wind from the south).

Kitesurf is a relatively young sport at Lake Como (the first school opened in 2005): it is a new way of traveling on water pulled by a traction kite. 

There’s plenty of schools that organize courses of these sports or just rent you all the equipment, like: Hastakite in Bellano, Xtremelement and Funsurf Center in Dervio (remember that Dervio is the paradise especially for kite, as when the Breva comes from the south, it’s felt first of all here), KTS40Wind Revolution in Colico. To name but a few.


diving lake como

Diving can be reasonably defined as the most intense sport you can do in the waters of our lake. Someone says that the depth of Lake Como is far more interesting than the seas floor!

You can dive pretty much whenever in the year, but bear in mind that the light conditions vary significantly from month to month

The best spots for this activity are near Bellagio, Torno and especially Onno, where you can see some lovely little sea horses.

There are also many charming wrecks: old boats, but also weapons, vehicles, equipment, airplanes dating back to Second World War, and even a statue of Christ. Ready to explore the darkness of our magical lake?

A reference point for all diving activities is in Como, Centro Sub Nettuno. It mainly carries out its dives in both branches of the Lake, both from the ground and using its famous boat, called "La vecchia Pia” (

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