We’re a Pet-Friendly Team and Here Are All the Puppies We Love
Can you imagine a life without pets?
We can’t.
At Lakeside offices, all pets of the world are welcome, regardless of breed and size.
Even if we love indiscriminately all animals (cats, rabbits, hamsters, donkeys, horses, really all), we must admit that we have a thing for dogs.
Dogs have so much to teach us - loyalty, boundless enthusiasm, humility -, that loving each and every one of them is just the least we can do for these special creatures.
Basically, when a dog enters in our office we all get pretty much crazy. If the dog concerned is a puppy, even worse: we stop doing whatever we are doing - checking a cadastral plan, post-producing a shooting, whatever - and we all irremediably dash to the pup.
It goes without saying that, by transitive property, we immediately end up loving the owners of the puppy, too. Because, let’s face it: who takes care to an animal, can’t be but a reliable and responsible person. Two qualities we strongly appreciate, especially in the real estate world.
Pets and well-being: an old story
The therapeutic effect pets have on our well-being has been known for years.
Recent studies conducted at Central Michigan University, in particular, found that the presence of a dog in the office improves collaboration: the atmosphere gets warmer and more sociable.
It’s not by chance that June 26th has become the international Bring Your Dog to Work Day!
Most of all, pets are stress relievers. Multiple studies have demonstrated that owning a pet lowers blood pressure and reduces stress hormones like cortisol (which is linked to depression and anxiety), while increasing oxytocin, a feel-good brain chemical related to happiness.
Also, bear in mind that having a pet at work forces you to take short breaks throughout the day, which improves focus.
The dogs we love most
So let’s go now to the cutest part of this article - the list of the dogs of our heart: some of them are part of our crew, while other are friends’ puppies who entered in our office at least once (to steal our heart, it goes without saying).
Pepito, our legendary mascotte
Pepito is our number one mascotte, also because he’s Sara (our founder)’s puppy.
He’s 4 years old and he’s incredibly fluffy.
Despite he’s tiny, he snores like a truck, providing Sara long all-nighters.
You can follow his adventures around Lake Como on his personal Instagram account, where you can see him swimming in the lake like a little fish.
Pic by Bob Cullinan
Rosa, the cutest mongrel of the world
The one with Rosa has been love at first sight: she popped into our Menaggio office with Halil, her owner (and one of our fav clients), and she immediately ran towards us wagging her tail like if she was finally arrived home. Too cute! She’s really super sweet and snuggly.
Rosa during a very cold winter day
One day Halil asked us to look after Rosa. You can imagine how happy we were to be her dog sitters for a day! We spent our lunch break together at the beach in Menaggio, where she enjoyed playing with some little pieces of wood; then she slept like a child the whole afternoon on a chair next to us. Just adorable.
SHONIK, the RUSSIAN dancer
Shonik has been the very first puppy getting a picture in our office, when we opened in May 2018.
He’s a Spitz and he’s very funny: when he’s happy he always stretches his little legs like a dancer.
Olly: love at first sight
Border Collies are like drug for us: every time we see one of them, with their fluffy combination of black and white hair, we feel happy!
And this is exactly what happened with Olly, Sharon and Joris’ Border from Holland. An incredibly beautiful 1-y.o. puppy who felt asleep on the hardwood floor of our Argegno office, like a baby!
Harley: fare better than a real Harley Davidson
Harley’s story is simply fantastic. Her French dad Jean (aka Gianni, as we italianly nicknamed him) used to love his Harley Davidson and spend his spare time with it. Then Jean and his lovely wife Kim had 3 adorable children. At that point Kim thought a Harley could be dangerous for a householder, and that’s why she said to Jean: “No more Harley Davidsons. But you can have a dog and call him Harley”. Fair enough!
Come on, look at Harley, she can even wink: far better than a motorcycle!
Mina and her sweet eyes
It’s not a news that rescue dogs can be particularly sweet and grateful because they know (yes, they know it very well) you actually saved their life.
That’s exactly the case of Mina, rescued by a lovely Swiss family who bought with us a gorgeous waterfront house in San Siro.
Mina loves laying in the sun and swimming in the lake: how to blame her?
Do you personally know a more stylish pet out there? Probably no, because it’s impossible. Ita is our queen!
Zoe is a puppy of Cavalier King and it’s quite hard to see her quiet: she’s like a little lightning. She’s so tireless that she even managed to escape and hide on the top of a hill for one entire day. Little scamp!
BULLO (literally THE “BULLY”)
If all bullies were like Bullo (literally “bully”), the world would definitely be a better place, wouldn’t it?
Bullo dropped by our office on a crazy Friday afternoon and he made our day. Sara literally knocked herself to the floor (despite her high heels) to play with him. A magical puppy!
It’s quite impossible that a puppy called “Caramella” (i.e.candy) is not just cuddly. Indeed she is INCREDIBLY cuddly (look at her ears!!!).
Caramella loves Argegno, like his father Tadas!
Dottie, an Italian breed Australian Jack Russell, entered the first time in our Argegno office and she carefully paid attention to the chat Laura had with her nice owner, Ingo: she made sure he asked for a house with a good outside space for her. Now she knows pretty much everything about the property market at Lake Como!
Dottie is only 5 months old and she’s adorably tiny. Can you imagine how crazy we got when we saw her running towards us like a little fuzzy two-tone ball?
Astro, the traveller
Astro is a little explorer: with his owner Veronica, he travels around the world!
We met him the first time in our Menaggio office with Veronica’s parents, and we were so impressed to see how cuddly and shy at the same time he was! A really well-behaved dog: it’s pretty much impossible not to fall in love with his brown eyes.
Check his adventures on Instagram! astrodogtourist #astrodogtourist
Giotto, the blonde vacuum
Giotto is Laura’s 4-months Golden Retriever.
It’s not very common to see him at our Menaggio office because in the weekends he always travels between Lake Como and Pavia (he knows the highway like a perfect commuter), but if you’re lucky enough you can meet him on Saturday morning taking a nap on our Chesterfield sofa!
He’s really a morale booster: he looks like he’s always smiling, with his funny face.
He’s permanently starving: he eats anything that’s edible. He will literally hoover it down like a (blonde) vacuum!
His eye are super expressive: he looks like he’s always wearing eyeliner. Oh, and look at his blonde eyelashes!
Ion is really able to bewitch you with his icy blue eyes: useless to say that he’s a Siberian Husky, one of the most elegant breeds of the world!
He’s currently living near Menaggio with his lovely family. He’s quite lucky: his house is a few meters from the beach, and he has plenty of space in the garden to play in.
We dare you not to fall in love with his adorable face!
Tula and Gracey, two tiny curly beauties
Tula and Gracey look like sisters with different size and hair color: Tula is white like a little sheep, whereas Gracey (who is 17 y.o.!) is chestnut brown. Both are adorably curly.
They are as lovely as their owners - yes, the thesis stating that all pets reflect their humans’ attitude is absolutely confirmed especially in this case!
Faustino, the most photographed dog of USA
We’ve actually never met the legendary Faustino, but it’s as if we had done it: we met his American owner, Bob, who showed us tons of amazing photos of his little friend, a rescue mutt.
Every time Bob come visit us at Lake Como, we cross our fingers that he has brought Faustino too, but let’s face it: it’s a very long journey from Marin County!
Bob has a gift for photography, and he’s really able to catch Faustino’s best face expressions. The love he has for him is just boundless.
We look forward to meeting him at Lake Como, sooner or later!